JUNE 15, 2023Public act of recognition of the responsibility of the State in violations of human rights
The public Act of Recognition of the international responsibility of the Uruguayan State for the extrajudicial executions of Laura Raggio, Silvia Reyes and Diana Maidanik, and the forced disappearances of Oscar Tassino Asteazú and Luis was held in the Hall of Lost Steps of the Legislative Palace. Eduardo González González, in compliance with the Judgment of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. Karina Tassino spoke at that event as a representative of the group of relatives of the victims. The event had a massive attendance, citizens who did not manage to enter the venue gathered in the Plaza Primero de Mayo to follow the events from the giant screen installed there.
APRIL 28, 2023The prosecution with prison of Juan Modesto Rebollo was ratified
JULY 22, 2022Processing of Rebollo, Gavazzo and Klastornick
The 23rd shift criminal judge, Isaura Tórtora, sentenced the soldier Juan Rebollo to prison for the murders of Diana Maidanic, 22 years old; Laura Raggio, 19; and Silvia Reyes, also 19 years old. The prosecution had requested the prosecution of the soldiers José Nino Gavazzo (June 25, 2021) and Eduardo Klastornick, but they had died on June 25, 2021 and July 8, 2021 respectively. Tórtora ordered the prosecution with prison for three highly aggravated homicide crimes as a co-author and ordered house arrest as a substitute measure. In addition, it determined that a reconstruction of the event will be carried out at the summary stage.DECEMBER 17, 2020The Prosecutor's Office in Uruguay requests the PROSECUTION of Rebollo, Gavazzo and Klastornick
The Special Prosecutor's Office for Crimes Against Humanity requests the prosecution with imprisonment of Eduardo Klastornick, José Gavazzo and Juan Rebollo since, it considers, there are sufficient elements of conviction to maintain that those named are involved in three crimes of homicide in real repetition.
NOVEMBER 15, 2021Inter-American Court Judgment - MAIDANIK CASE et al.
On November 15, 2021, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights issued a ruling on the case of Maidanik and others vs. Uruguay, which involves the extrajudicial executions of Laura Raggio, Silvia Reyes and Diana Maidanic, and the forced disappearances of Oscar Tassino Asteazú and Luis Eduardo González González.
MAY 24, 2020La Inter - American Commission on Human Right presents the case of DIANA MAIDANIK and others to the Inter-American Court
The case is related to the international responsibility of the State for the extrajudicial executions of Diana Maidanic, Silvia Reyes and Laura Raggio Odizzio, and the forced disappearances of Luis Eduardo González González and Oscar Tassino Asteazu, as well as the lack of an adequate investigation.
NOVEMBER 9, 2019The Inter - American Commission on Human Right approved the Merits Report
The IACHR approved Merits Report No. 169/19 (hereinafter "Merits Report") in which it reached a series of conclusions and made several recommendations to the State, one of them was: "Investigate in a complete, impartial, diligent, effective and within a reasonable period of time with the objective of completely clarifying the facts, and identifying all possible material and intellectual responsibilities and imposing the corresponding sanctions. Taking into account the seriousness of the declared violations and the inter-American standards to which In this regard, the Commission highlights that the State may not invoke the guarantee of non bis in idem, res judicata or prescription, to justify non-compliance with this recommendation. "
NOVEMBER 8, 2012The Inter - American Commission on Human Right approved the Admissibility Report
The Commission approved Admissibility Report No. 90/12, in which it admitted the petition. "Regarding compliance with the admissibility requirements, the petitioner alleged that the State has not fulfilled its obligation to investigate in an exhaustive, impartial and serious manner the forced disappearances and extrajudicial executions of the alleged victims, in order to know the truth of what occurred."
OCTOBER 2005 AND MARCH 2006Hearings with the State
Two Hearings were granted, which were held in two periods of sessions, dated 10/17/2005, 123rd Period of Sessions, and March 10, 2006 - 126th Period of Sessions. The State attended with its legal representatives, and despite the request of the Commissioners to comply with this Report, they ignored their requestsThe Inter-American Commission on Human Rights recommends that the Uruguayan state INVESTIGATE the events
Due to the legal limitation for investigations of crimes against humanity, the sanction of the Law of Expiry of the Punitive Claims of the State and the repeated Constitutionality Sentences of this law, international mechanisms were resorted to requesting Hearings before the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights, for the purposes of the Uruguayan State complying with Report 29/92 dated 10/2/1992, which is directly related to Law 15,848 on the “Expiry of the State's Punitive Claims”. Report 29/1992 concluded that; “Law 15,848 of December 22, 1986 is incompatible with Article XVIII (right to justice) of the American Declaration, and Articles 1, 8 and 25 of the American Convention on Human Rights.” The IACHR recommends that the Uruguayan state “Grant fair compensation to the victims” and “adopt the necessary measures to clarify the facts and identify those responsible for the human rights violations that occurred during the de facto period.”
1988 The exception of unconstitutionality was FILED
The exception of unconstitutionality, filed before the 8th Criminal Court of First Instance. Turno, by Arturo Ricardo Reyes, Flora Potasnik and Marta Odizzio de Raggio, was archived because it was considered included in the provisions of the Expiration Law, by decision of the Executive Branch.MAY 2, 1988The Supreme Court of Justice issued the first JUDGMENT for unconstitutionality appeals
When Law No. 15,848 was passed, unconstitutionality appeals were filed in all cases reported to the Judiciary, based on the fact that the Law violated articles 8, 72, 83 and 233 of the Constitution: a) separation of powers; b) right to due process; c) independence of the Judiciary and, d) equality before the law. On May 2, 1988, the Supreme Court of Justice issued the first Judgment for the unconstitutionality appeals presented, stating: “The exception of unconstitutionality of articles 1, 2, 3 and 4 of Law No. 15,848 of December 22, 1988 is dismissed. 1986.”
When the Judiciary began to investigate this case and the other reported cases, a campaign strongly promoted by the ruling party of the time began, which obtained the results expected by its promoters, and on December 22, 1986, the Law was sanctioned. No. 15,848 called “Expiration of the State's Punitive Claim”, which renders Articles 3 ineffective. and 5th. of Law No. 15,737 and did not allow the trials of those responsible for the commission of crimes against humanity, closing the possibility of any investigation of the facts and subsequent punishment of the authors, co-authors and accomplices, accused of having committed crimes against humanity. against humanity (torture, forced or extrajudicial executions and forced disappearance of people).
OCTOBER 15, 1986COMPLAINT is filed before the Legal Court
The sanction of Law 15,737 made it possible for Arturo Reyes, Flora Potasnik and Marta Odizzio de Raggio to file a complaint before the 8th Criminal Court of First Instance. Shift, for the purposes of investigating the extrajudicial execution that occurred, for the arrest of the person or persons responsible for the commission as authors or accomplices of crimes against humanity and applying the corresponding sanction.
MARCH 8, 1985LAW N° 15,737 ON NATIONAL PEACIFICATION is sanctioned
Law No. 15737 of March 8, 1985 decrees the amnesty of all political, common and military crimes related to these, committed after January 1, 1962 and the approval of the "Pact of San José de Costa Rica" that Its text is included in the law. Not all political detainees were included in the amnesty, in accordance with the provisions of article 1, paragraph 2, the authors and co-authors of completed intentional homicide. By articles 3 and 5, three categories of people were also excluded: a) responsible for completed intentional homicide; b) responsible for inhuman, cruel or degrading treatment, or for the detention of people who later disappeared, when their perpetrators, accomplices or accessories were military or police officers; c) those who have committed crimes from government positions or under the power of the State.
NOVEMBER 22, 1969Uruguay signs the "Pact of San José de Costa Rica"
In November 1969, the "Inter-American Specialized Conference on Human Rights." In it, the delegates of the Member States of the Organization of American States drafted the American Convention on Human Rights, which entered into force on July 18, 1978. In order to protect the essential rights of man on the American continent, The Convention implemented two competent bodies: The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (I/A Court H.R.).