Many years later, with the invaluable contribution of its legal representatives, the Institute of Legal and Social Studies of Uruguay (IELSUR) and the criminal investigation carried out by the Special Prosecutor's Office for Crimes Against Humanity, results are obtained.
On November 15, 2021, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights issued a ruling on the case of Maidanik and others vs. Uruguay, which involves the extrajudicial executions of Laura Raggio, Silvia Reyes and Diana Maidanic, and the forced disappearances of Oscar Tassino Asteazú and Luis Eduardo González González.
On July 22, 2022, Judge Isaura Tórtora, after 2 years of request and 8 months after the Judgment of the Inter-American Court, ordered the prosecution of Juan Modesto Rebollo García, José Nino Gavazzo and Eduardo Klastornick, the latter two having since died, because “there are sufficient elements of conviction to maintain that they are prima facie involved in three crimes of murder in real repetition.”
On April 28, 2023, the 2nd shift Criminal Appeals Court, made up of ministers Beatriz Larrieux and Daniel Tapié, ratified the prosecution with imprisonment of retired military officer Juan Rebollo, for the murders of Diana Maidanic, 22 years old; Laura Raggio, 19; and Silvia Reyes, also 19 years old, which occurred on April 21, 1974.