Presentation of the book

El brillo de tu ausencia

Saturday, April 27, 7:00 p.m. /LA EXPERIMENTAL - Cultural Center. Decroy 4971

From memories full of forgetfulness, of those who knew Laura Raggio before that dark April 21, 1974, this book weaves and takes us by the hand to be part of the different moments of her life.
We invite you to join us.

50 Aprils without them

Autopsia sobre lo impune

April 21 / May 10, 11 and 12 at the Solís Theater

Murdered, and when are we going to talk about the details? Three young people with confidence in the future are brutally murdered by the Joint Forces of the Uruguayan state, and to this day we wonder what would have become of them? 50 years after the brutal murder of Silvia, Laura and Diana, the "April Girls", we commemorate this real tragedy with the landing in the theater of their story.

A private trauma that takes on social dimensions, and societies are built based on how they process their traumas. How does impunity affect the construction of national identity?

On April 21, the day that marks 50 years since the brutal murder of the “April Girls,” AUTOPSIA SOBRE LO IMPUNE premieres. In memory of Silvia, Diana and Laura.

In May, the month of Remembrance 50 years after the brutal murder of the “April Girls” AUTOPSIA SOBRE LO IMPUNE returns. In memory of Silvia, Diana and Laura.


April 21, 8pm - PREMIERE - Main Room

May 10 and 11, 8:30 p.m. - Zavala Muniz Room

May 12, 7:30 p.m. - Zavala Muniz Room

Memory Circuit

Guided historical tour

We invite you to tour the Municipality C Memory Circuit together.
Date: Sunday March 17
Time: 11:00 a.m.
Starting point: Colombia between Av. Agraciada and Francisco de Paula Martí
Bus tour (limited capacity)