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They carried out reconstruction for the crimes of the April girls, 49 years after the homicides
SUBRAYADO - July 20, 2023
Without the presence of Lacalle Pou, an act was held in Parliament to recognize the violation of human rights by State terrorism
La Diaria - June 15, 2023
Perciballe revealed Rebollo's lies in his statement about the triple crime.
25siete NOTICIAS - Georgina Mayo - May 6, 2023
Justice prosecutes retired military officer Juan Rebollo with prison for the murder of “April Girls”
La Red21 - July 22, 2022
The Inter-American Court condemned Uruguay to recognize murders during the dictatorship and compensate relatives of the victims
INFOBAE - December 21, 2021
The Inter-American Court of Human Rights admitted the case of the "April Girls" and the disappearance of Óscar Tassino and Luis Eduardo González
Madres y Familiares de Uruguayos Detenidos Desaparecidos - July 23, 2020
"April Girls": the massacre that reopens the wounds left by the last military government in Uruguay
BBC NEWS Mundo - June 27, 2021
The IACHR convened a hearing for the murder of the “April girls” and the disappearance of Óscar Tassino and Luis Eduardo González
La Diaria - April 21, 2021
Contrary versions of Gavazzo, Rebollo and Klastornick in the case of “the April girls”
MONTEVIDEO PORTAL - February 28, 2021
April Girls Massacre: details of the tax ruling
25siete - Georgina Mayo - February 28, 2021
About “The April Girls.” Testimony of Daniel Raggio, brother of one of “The April Girls”
Asociación ¿Dónde están? - Francia - February 15, 2016
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